
Humane Methods

An epic, rhizomatic saga in the form of stage productions, street performances, and performative installations.

Humane Methods (2019-ad infinitum) is Fronte Vacuo’s long-term project. It is an epic, rhizomatic saga in the form of stage productions, street performances, and performative installations. It tells the story of a broken society that, as it reemerges from a ruinous futuristic past, strives to co-exist with nature and technology. Themes of environmental destruction and social conflict merge with new forms of algorithmic violence fostered by unethical uses of artificial intelligence. Humane Methods poetically reflects on this entanglement by immersing the audience in the perspective of the bodies – human and non-human – that experience it. What are the collective and individual responsibilities we all face? What can one do about it?
The various episodes of the saga enmesh dancetheatre, bio-art, interactive music, living scenography, and AI technology into pulsating ecosystems. Each work in the series acts as a branch of a rhizome: each dives into different facets of the same theme and world. While the characters return in the various episodes, Humane Methods presents worlds into worlds with a rigorous work on symbolism, more-than-human agents, in a radical quest for posthuman forms of empathy.

Humane Methods is a project by Fronte Vacuo, a radically transdisciplinary performance group founded by artists Marco Donnarumma, Margherita Pevere and Andrea Familari in 2019, and joined by a more extended kin.
Fronte Vacuo is artist in residence at Volkstheater Wien until the end of 2024, working on the site-specific cycle 6XXX6 – Six movements for six spaces, in collaboration with set designer Anna Cingi, operatic bass Andrew Munn, and the ensemble of Volktheater.

The chapters of the saga:
Humane Methods ΔNFANG
Humane Methods [℧R] (2020)
Humane Methods ΣXHALE
Humane Methods [6XXX6] #1 δISSOLUTION: The Oracle (2023)
Humane Methods [6XXX6] #2 ¦MPOSSIBILITY: The Kernel (2023)
Humane Methods [6XXX6] #3 R∄SOLUTION: Die Tagung (2023)
Humane Methods [6XXX6] #4 MμRMUR: The Deer (2024)
Humane Methods [6XXX6] #5 TRAGEDIA: The Hunt (2024)

An endless, rhyzomatic series of happenings, street performances and stage productions featuring bioart, interactive music, living scenography.

For full info about Fronte and its creations, visit

Photography: Nikolaus Ostermann, Manuel Vason, Damir Zizic, Marcel Urlaub
All productions by Fronte Vacuo GbR, in collaboration with various partners.